Report Card on Church in America


From 1776 - 1968 From 1969 - 2000 From 2001 - 2020
Achievemernt B C- D
Effort B+ D F

Frozen Chosen: But for our strong Christian Heritage, the Church has recently performed poorly and tried little to collaborate and promote Biblical Principles in Society and Government, let alone fulfill the Great  Commission.

In these last decades, most of the American church has stood by and watched as sins have exponentially increased in their community's.

Miami is the hub for international sex trafficking of minors.

Miami was one of the first to endorse gay marriage and adoption.

Miami Public Schools actively promote sex education and Evolution Origin Science.

Florida voters supported gambling and marijuana, yet rejected the religious freedom school choice amendment.

America still allows the murder of unborn babies.

American churches are not passing their heritage down to the next generation.

Divorce and Feminism are continually on the rise at the expense of the traditional nuclear family.

Churches have failed to articulate why it is important to sacrifice for our country.

Churches continue to remain deeply divided.

Churches have been cowered into believing that they cannot participate in Government.
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